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Friday, August 8, 2008

Pensamento do dia (1)

"I am a man with public responsabilities, wich I have sworn an oath to bear faithfully. My occupation requires me to make decisions that are, by the oath, intended to benefit others. They are not supposed to be made to benefit me personally or, if they do, only inasmuch as I am a citizen of the state I represent and the nation I serve. But in truth, it is asking too much of human to expect that exclusively personal considerations will never influence a politician's decisions. Only the rarest of us could make such a claim, and even they would be loath to do it. But I can say that while member of Congress - and have made the latter even when I sincerely believed them to be in the public interest - the worst decisions I have made, not just in politics but over the course of my entire life, have been those I made to seek an advantage primarily or solely for myself."

John McCain, candidato a Presidente dos E.U.A., Hard Call - Great Decisions and the Extraordinary People Who Made Them

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